Yield Parrot Best Features!🔥
Highest APY: In Yield Parrot you will be able to find the highest APY ever seen to stake your favorite tokens. Why APY? Most vaults will automatically compound, this means that you won’t need to be thinking about which is the best moment to do the compounding or even spend BNB in gas fee. You won’t need to click any “compounding” button. This feature will compound your vaults at the best rate to transform your APR (Annual Percentage Rate) into APY (Annual Percentage Yield). As we know that the community always wants more, by staking you will also receive $LORY tokens that you will be able to stake in the incredible Golden Wheel! 👇‌
Golden Wheel: This is one of the best features of Yield Parrot (take a look at the picture)🔥. With the LORY tokens you have earned, you will be able to stake them to earn BNB. Wait, are you serious? Yes! You will be able to earn BNB, and with those BNB put them to stake to earn some more LORY! You are always winning!! And the best thing is that our emission is very very low! All this is possible thanks to the power of our smart algorithms!‌
Automatic BuyBack: At every time we will be doing really really big Automatic Buybacks to make the price even more attractive! You won’t need to wait for us to make them, they are set to be done by our smart contract every time so as to take LORY to the moon even faster! 🚀
‌Jackpot: Next step on our Road Map. You will be able to put your tokens to stake in a special section for a certain time and all the tokens earned will be given as rewards in a lottery for those who had staked. You can win big without risk! Don’t worry we will be updating with more info when the Jackpot is ready.
‌Do you have any suggestions? We will love to hear from you!
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